Today I'm here going to share the step by step tutorial about "termux for hacking accounts". Through this article, you can get a lot of about termux for hacking accounts, tech Easy4U tools, best phishng tool for termux, hacking instagram from termux, how to hack target facebook account. And I'm damn sure that you will never get all these unique information like us on the internet anywhere else.
Termux for hacking accounts
Hello, guys im back with another amazing post so today let us know about what is termux and how to use termux so today let us use it practically and learn how to hack any social media account from it with best features.
Termux is a terminal which is used as Kali Linux to hack anything so if you want to learn full termux Command you are on best place so lets start and tell you command.
Termux is a type of app which is used more nowdays.this app is awesome to hack anything....
Q. what Is termux?
A:-Termux is type of application which has ability to hack any type of system or web.
Q. what is use of it?
A:-Termux is used for penetratetesting and for hacking webs and android devices.
Q. Is any programming language needed to run it?
A:-no,no need of any programming knowlege.
Q. how much space it requires?
A:-it is depend upon the script of
Example:-if i install metasploit it requires 600MB of storage and 200MB of data.
Q. can we hack wifi from termux?
A:- yup, you can hack wifi but external router for it.
Q. can we hack website from termux?
A:- yes,u can hack any website which has vulnubirlity in it.
Q.can we hack android from termux?
A:-yes,u can hack android from termux app
Q. how much time need to learn termux?
A:-its depend upon ur interest.
Q. can i kmprove my hacking skills from termux app?
A:-Damn sure, u can become master of penetratetesting, and hacking.
Q. what are device requirements to run Termux?
A:- any device with 1Gb of ram,3Gb of storage, good data speed, vesrion of device should be more than 4.0.0...
Q. is your youtube channel(tech easy4u) teach everything abot termux?
A:-yes, we are here to make u a best hacker so we will try to give my best.
$ apt update && apt upgrade
- to create directory (folder)
$ mkdir (tech easy4u) any name
- to enter into created directory (folder)
$ ls
- to see current directory
$ clear - to clear current terminal type
$ cp /sdcard - to copy any file or directory
$ rm (file name) -to delete any file
$ rm -rf (foldername) - to delete folder
$ mv (filename) $HOME - to move may file or script
Eg:- mv $HOME
After that the script or files comes to your
termux home directory
$ apt remove (pkgname) - to remove package
$ apt list - To see installed packages
$ termux-setup-storage - Fixing Storage permission denied on
after type this command press enter and
allow the permission.
Type again
$ cd /sdcard
then type
$ ls
then see all directory are shown now, this
method fix this issue
$ ifconflg
- this command is used for check your
device ip address by using ifconfig
$ exit
- for exit the terminal or use ( ctr|+d) in
keyboard or tap volume up and c button in
"Please watch video if you are struggling to understand hacking in termux"
Website I used in video
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Watch the practical video here
Follow this carefully
Please don't skip the video ...
So guys follow the steps as I showed from starting of the video to the end of the video ok. So after all, if you are facing any problem then comment or use contact us page, please........
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